DM Podcast #36 Dr. Aaron Balick: The Psychodynamics of the Web Digital Wellness DM Podcast #36 Dr. Aaron Balick: The Psychodynamics of the Web"Going on to Twitter and expressing your shadow self is not expressing it, it is…Lawrence Ampofo21/04/2016
DM #35 Chris Dancy: From Big Data to Big Wisdom DesignDigital Wellness DM #35 Chris Dancy: From Big Data to Big Wisdom"Digital mindfulness at its essence is your ability to navigate time without judgement or bias."…Lawrence Ampofo31/03/2016
DM #34 Rohan Gunatillake: This Is Happening DesignDigital WellnessProductivity & Creativity DM #34 Rohan Gunatillake: This Is Happening"One of the problems with mindfulness at the moment is that we've fetishised the process...For…Lawrence Ampofo23/03/2016
Podcast #33 Ariel Garten: Visualising the Distracted Mind Digital Wellness Podcast #33 Ariel Garten: Visualising the Distracted MindMy guest this week is the Founder and Chairman of Interaxon, the company behind Muse,…Lawrence Ampofo16/03/2016
Digital Drops of Wisdom: Digital Detox Digital WellnessProductivity & Creativity Digital Drops of Wisdom: Digital DetoxWho reigns over whom? Are we the kings and queens of the web or its…Níall Ó'Murchú25/01/2016
Podcast #27 Lucy Pearson: Learning to Unplug Digital Wellness Podcast #27 Lucy Pearson: Learning to Unplug"Anyone who uses a digital device can benefit from a digital detox. It's a chance…Lawrence Ampofo21/01/2016
Digital Distraction: Reclaim Your Morning Digital WellnessProductivity & Creativity Digital Distraction: Reclaim Your Morning"Our mornings are dominated by digital distractions and our ‘smart’ phones. It is making us…Níall Ó'Murchú07/12/2015
Digital Drops Of Wisdom: Just Breathe Digital WellnessProductivity & Creativity Digital Drops Of Wisdom: Just BreatheYou do it. I do it. We all do it all day long. It keeps…Níall Ó'Murchú11/11/2015
Kicks, Clicks and Digital Distraction Digital WellnessProductivity & Creativity Kicks, Clicks and Digital DistractionDeep in the shrouded mountains of Henan province, China, the monks of the Shaolin Temple…Níall Ó'Murchú17/10/2015
A Digital Mindfulness Manifesto Digital WellnessProductivity & Creativity A Digital Mindfulness ManifestoSince the turn of the millennium, I have spent most of my working days staring…Níall Ó'Murchú09/10/2015