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Digital Wellness

DM Podcast #36 Dr. Aaron Balick: The Psychodynamics of the Web

By 21/04/2016October 13th, 2016No Comments

“Going on to Twitter and expressing your shadow self is not expressing it, it is about projecting and evacuating it on to other people and that’s not particularly healthy for you or the other person.” – Aaron Balick

In this episode, Dr. Lawrence Ampofo interviews the psychotherapist and author, Dr. Aaron Balick. Aaron is the founder of Mindswork and his research is primarily focused on the application of psychological thinking to social media and technology. He is the author of the book “The Psychodynamics of Social Networking: Connected Up Instantaneous Culture and the Self” in which he investigates the changing nature of the way people relate to eachother by social networking and mobile technologies. Focusing on the unconscious motivations behind our online social networking use, Aaron claims that social media is not simply a technology, but is essentially human and deeply meaningful.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What the “Shadow Self” is and how it manifests online
  • Should we have spaces on the Web to express the Shadow Self
  • The “Tinderisation” of the Web and how that affects human relationships

Resources mentioned in the show: