How Digital Detoxing Became The Solution to Digital Overload Digital Wellness How Digital Detoxing Became The Solution to Digital OverloadIn many ways, the natural social response to strong feelings of technology oversaturation is to…Lawrence Ampofo04/11/2019
Beyond the Digital Detox Digital Wellness Beyond the Digital DetoxOfcom, the UK’s communications regulator, recently released a detailed report to great fanfare claiming that…Lawrence Ampofo08/08/2016
Digital Drops of Wisdom: Digital Detox Digital WellnessProductivity & Creativity Digital Drops of Wisdom: Digital DetoxWho reigns over whom? Are we the kings and queens of the web or its…Níall Ó'Murchú25/01/2016
Podcast #27 Lucy Pearson: Learning to Unplug Digital Wellness Podcast #27 Lucy Pearson: Learning to Unplug"Anyone who uses a digital device can benefit from a digital detox. It's a chance…Lawrence Ampofo21/01/2016
A Digital Mindfulness Manifesto Digital WellnessProductivity & Creativity A Digital Mindfulness ManifestoSince the turn of the millennium, I have spent most of my working days staring…Níall Ó'Murchú09/10/2015
Digital Mindfulness Podcast #10 Tom Chatfield: How To Thrive In The Digital Age DesignProductivity & Creativity Digital Mindfulness Podcast #10 Tom Chatfield: How To Thrive In The Digital Age"Time is the one thing of which technology cannot create a single item more" -…Lawrence Ampofo28/06/2015
Digital Mindfulness Podcast #2: Digital Detoxing with Martin Talks Digital WellnessProductivity & Creativity Digital Mindfulness Podcast #2: Digital Detoxing with Martin TalksIn this session of the Digital Mindfulness podcast, I interview Martin Talks from Digital Detoxing,…Lawrence Ampofo09/03/2015
Digital Mindfulness Podcast #1: National Day of Unplugging Digital WellnessProductivity & Creativity Digital Mindfulness Podcast #1: National Day of UnpluggingMy guest today is Tanya Schevitz, the spokesperson for Reboot's massively popular National Day of…Lawrence Ampofo03/03/2015