In this session of the Digital Mindfulness podcast, I interview Martin Talks from Digital Detoxing, an organisation aiming to help people connect to themselves, each other and the world around in a more human way.
Martin Martin spent a large proportion of his career persuading people to spend more time and money online as Commercial Director of online shares information pioneer,; as founder of digital marketing agency Blue Barracuda and as Global Digital Lead of the FCB Group of marketing agencies. But there came a moment where he realised the digital obsession was getting out of hand at home and work. It was time to get a balance. So he set up Digital Detoxing. He still loves tech and has even set up a wearable tech company.
In this session, we will talk about what digital detoxing is, how you can implement the principles of a digital detox in your daily life and the extent to which the overuse of digital technologies impact our health.

Martin Talks from Digital Detoxing
Martin founded Digital Detoxing to help people establish clear boundaries with social media and other technologies as we all become increasingly intertwined with technology.