“Let your life goals drive the technology you use, not the other way round.”
In this episode of the Digital Mindfulness podcast, I speak with the author, strategist and internationally recognised expert on the business and social impact of technology, Dr. Alexandra Samuel. Alexandra has worked for over 15 years as a researcher and business executive in digital and regularly writes for the Harvard Business Review on the ways the Web is transforming our personal and professional lives.
Alexandra is the author of “Work Smarter with Social Media: A Guide to Managing Evernote, Twitter, LinkedIn and your Email” and is currently working on a new project, “Connected Families”.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- How responding to email traps us in other to-do lists
- How our current thinking about technology limits the ways it can enhance our lives
- Why very few people think about how the Internet can truly benefit our lives
Resources mentioned in the show:
- Alexandra Samuel website
- Alexandra Samuel on the Harvard Business Review
- Connected Families
- Work Smarter with Social Media: A Guide to Managing Evernote, Twitter, LinkedIn and your Email
- Alexandra Samuel on Twitter