The ‘always on’ company culture we’ve created is terrible for human beings. Improving that culture relies on incorporating mindful practices into business.
This week my guests are Joe Burton, CEO of, Jim Gimian, co-Founder of Mindful Magazine and, and Erick Randolph, producer of the Mindful Business Conference in New York.
In this episode we talk about the issue that has brought these three men together – the importance of integrating mindfulness practices into businesses in order to develop an organisation that is happy, healthy and productive.
As part of the Mindful Business Conference, Digital Mindfulness is teaming up with, and the Mindful Business conference to give you the chance to win some great prizes.
The Mindful Business Conference brings together corporate leaders who are brining mindfulness practices into the workplace. An engaged workforce, enhanced high performance and effective leadership are only some of the measurable benefits of mindfulness in the workplace. is a digital platform for mindfulness, yoga and leadership training with more than 1,250 training sessions and curated programs from some of the world’s foremost trainers. and the Mindful Magazine are the voice of the emerging mindfulness community. It is the go-to source for information, and inspiration to help people to live mindfully in modern life.
We are offering Digital Mindfulness listeners the chance to win free entrance to the Mindful Business Conference in New York or a amazing gift baskets of a 1 year subscription to, a 1 year subscription to Mindful Magazine, and the Mindfulness Roadmap from the Mindful Business Conference.
For your chance to win, simply answer:
“How do you bring mindfulness into your organisation?”
Fill in the form below, tweet us @digitalmindful or email us at hello [at] digitalmindfulness [dot] net for your chance to win!

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