“Social media gives you a permanent record of bullying or discrimination – and you carry that wherever you go” – Dr. Brendesha Tynes
In this episode, we talk with University of Southern California associate professor Dr. Brendesha Tynes about the psychology and impact of cyberbullying and racism, and what motivates people to engage in such behaviour. This show is essential if you want to know how to deal with negative commentary, how to spot the signs of bullying and trolling in someone you care about, and why this phenomenon exists in the first place.
Dr. Brendesha Tynes is an associate professor of Education and Psychology at the USC Rossier School of Education. Her research focuses on youth experiences with digital media, and how they are associated with academic and socio-emotional outcomes. She is also interested in equity in digital literacy, which includes empowering uses of digital tools for underrepresented youth.
Key Takeaways from this Show
- Why people bully others online
- The warning signs to spot when someone is going through a phase of online bullying
- Why teenagers are increasingly well equipped to face the challenges of cyberbullying
Resources Mentioned
- Brendesha Tynes USC Rossier Profile
- Rate My Media
- USC Digital Learning and Development Lab
- Brendesha Tynes Twitter